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Congratulations to the boys and girls of Holy Family, Listellick & Balloonagh Schools who were Confirmed last week. Many thanks to their teachers and parents who helped prepare them for Confirmation
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It has been brought to our attention that the footpaths outside the Church grounds are being blocked or impeded for use by pedestrians, parents with buggies and wheelchair users. We encourage motorists to park their cars with consideration for others. We would appreciate your co-operation and consideration in this matter.
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In recent weeks we have removed chewing gum from the Church carpet and seats. It is important to observe the one hour fast before receiving Holy Communion. We encourage parents to ensure that children are not chewing gum when attending Mass. We ask your co-operation in this regard.
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The work to replace the covering on the church kneelers is now complete. This project was named as a project for the monies raised in the Silver Circle last year. Many thanks for your generous support.
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for sale at the Parish Office. The Vouchers vary from €5, €8, €15, €20 & €50.
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priesthood through their prayers and financial support. If you would like to make a donation towards their work please take one of the envelopes at the church doors and return it at Mass next weekend. We have two students for Kerry Diocese studying in Maynooth at present: Seán Murphy who was on placement with us last January and Mark Moriarty who will be with us until Easter. Many thanks for your support.
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Mark Moriarty from Killarney is a Seminarian in Maynooth. He is with us until Easter on pastoral placement. We hoped he enjoys his stay with us.
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Our Diary is now open. The 10am Mass each Sunday will be offered for the people of the Parish. Sunday Masses at 11.15am & 12.30pm will be available for Anniversary and other bookings. It would be helpful if you have provisionally booked a Mass to confirm the booking in the Parish Office with the Mass Offering: otherwise we can offer the Mass to another family.
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with the prayer to the Guardian Angel are again in stock and can be acquired at our Pastoral Centre or Sacristy. Cost €1.