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are associated with the Season of Lent. The Liturgy Group have prepared prayers and reflections to help us and these are placed near each Station. We encourage you to do the Stations of the Cross during Lent.
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We wish to welcome the return of Fr. Marijan Vukov, (pronounced as Marian Vu-Cove) who was with us for three weeks last year. He is a native of Croatia and is studying in Rome. He will be with us until October 3rd. We hope he will once again enjoy the hospitality of Tralee and Co. Kerry
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We were delighted that some of the Roses attended our 10am Mass on Sunday August 21st. A big welcome to the Roses, their families and all visitors to our town.
Some of the Roses (and future Roses) in the Parish Centre after Mass.
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Due to major repairs to the roof of the Pastoral Centre/Presbytery building during the next few weeks there will be some disruption to the access to the Parish Office and to the nearby parking area. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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presented a cheque recently to KACS (Kerry Adloescent Counselling Service) to support their work with young people. The amount raised was £642.50, from their recent cake sale. Many thanks to all who supported them.
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During the summer months, some estates organise an area Mass. The Mass is often held in the green area of the estate. It is an opportunity to bring the residents together for a Mass. It is also of benefit to have a cuppa afterwards, to have a chat and to meet new faces. Some of areas have an annual Mass and others have it occasionally. Some of the areas that have had a Mass in recent years include Stacks Villas, Ballyroe, Connolly Park, Cois Coille, Woodbrooke, Rathoonane, Mounthawk Manor, Ard Carraig/Leedale, Shanakill, Gort na Sidhe & Listellick/Curravough. Ifyou would like to have a Mass in your estate/area, please contact the Parish Office
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Group at a recent celebration for the babies baptised during the year pictured by John Cleary.
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Our Parish Office will take bookings for 1st Anniversary Masses on this Monday May 9th. All other bookings will be taken from the following day Tuesday May 10th. We encourage you to call to the Parish Office to make Mass bookings during these days. Next year Sunday Funerals will take place at the 12.30pm Mass. The 10am and 11.15am Masses will be
available for anniversaries.
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Congratulations to the boys and girls in Scoil Eoin, Holy Family, Listellick & Educate Together who were confirmed on Thursday & Friday April 14th and 15th. Many thanks also to their teachers and parents who helped prepare them for Confirmation.
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Fr. Patsy planting a hazel tree after the 10am Mass on Sunday, April 17th to mark the beginning of Earth Week 2016.
EARTH WEEK from April 17th to 23rd is an initiative of the Diocese of Kerry Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee [JPIC]. The committee raises awareness of Catholic Social Teaching by encouraging action, by providing resources and building networks with other groups. This year, in response to Pope Francis’ letter on the environment, Laudato Si - one of the cares Francis asks us to respond to is the loss of biodiversity and this is our chosen theme for Earth Week 2016. A limited number of leaflets on how each individual can respond to the challenge is available at the doors of the Church and it can also be downloaded from www.dioceseofkerry.ie